Marketing News

Marketing Quick Bits

newspaper-icon-93 v4With so much marketing information out there, it's difficult to know where to start! Here is a quick compilation of key topics and trends from around the net that are helpful for any business to consider.
Building a better marketing plan isn't always dependent on having a bigger budget. For tips on making the most of your budget, click here.
Yes, marketing is a critical element of any business, but let's also remember that it can also be one of the most creative and fun parts of the business. Take a peek at a few ways to get your creative juices flowing here.
With the start of the New Year, we tend to reconsider our personal health and fitness. As a business owner, do you ever consider the fitness of your marketing plan?  Read How Fit is Your Marketing Plan? by clicking here.
When things seem overly complicated, sometimes we just need to take a step back and simplify. Steve Olenski's "Four Ways to Streamline Your Marketing Strategy" offers some quick tips. Learn more  by clicking here.
Staying on top of marketing trends is vital to staying relevant in any market. See what Forbes magazine is forecasting to be the top content marketing trends here.
Retention marketing may not be a new concept, but how a business approaches this effort in today's marketplace is definitely an evolving practice. To learn more, read Forbe's article "Why Customer Retention Is King: The Evolution Of Retention Marketing" by clicking here.
Education doesn't end with a college degree. To be a successful businessperson, education is a never-ending process. Check out what Inc. magazine says are the best business books of all time  here. Hopefully, you will find these books more engaging than your old Intro to Calculus book!